Spring 2020 Mini Trend Guide

Once again, I’m calling it “better late than never” as I hit “publish” on my spring 2020 mini trend guide today, and it’s already been spring for a week. However, if you live in the midwest like I do, you probably have had very little spring-like weather yet (except for today, it’s gorgeous outside!), so chances are, you haven’t even worn your new spring clothes even if you already went shopping for them! Another minor detail is that we’re all on quarantine and everything is cancelled thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, so there’s truly no point in dressing up right now. But it’s going to change someday, right?! And when that day comes, you can be prepared thanks to an online shopping spree. 😉


Here are the top eight trends I’m seeing for spring (and summer) this year. If I could summarize spring 2020 trends, I’d call them “Feminine Comfort.” Because that’s what these styles are all about – looking like a lady and feeling comfortable while doing it! And FYI, as always, each photo is a link if you want to shop that exact style. So take your mind off the pandemic and enjoy some contactless online shopping!


-Tiered Dresses/Skirts – flowing and flattering




-Midi Skirts – back again this year, and just as chic as ever


-Florals, Florals, Florals – doesn’t get more feminine than this 


-Paperbag Shorts – so flattering, but let’s be real, we won’t be wearing these till summer 


-Sweat Sets – literally all we’re wearing right now anyways!



-Lounge Pants – comfort but not overly casual 


-Hoop Earrings – my favorite way to wear is with a ponytail or bun to show them off



-Slides – as easy to wear as flip flops but nicer! 

Spring Style Watch: Cardigans

Well, I blinked and three weeks have passed since I published a new post. Whoops. Spring officially starts next week and I haven’t shared any spring content yet! Today I’m going to change that, starting with the biggest spring trend I’ve seen thus far that’s also perfect for all of the transitional weather between winter and spring: cardigans.


Mr. Rogers would be so proud of this trend, am I right? Maybe you’re a fan, or maybe you think there’s nothing cute or special about wearing a fully-buttoned cardigan (because that is how the look is supposed to be worn). Well, it all depends on how you style it! Here are a few of my favorites. Notice that none of them are crewneck – while they may be similar to Mr. Rogers’ sweaters, they are not your grandma’s sweaters.

Bought this exact one because of the gorgeous color the other week and it rang up for less than $4! Don’t ask me how.


Thicker and cozy but still appropriate for spring.


The price is crazy on this but the color is gorgeous!


Another lovely color!


Subtle and feminine.




DISCLAIMER: You will definitely not see me, at least not for the first part of this spring, wearing this trend! Not a good look when you’re pregnant. 😉